Sunday, October 17, 2010


Today Michael scored the only two goals his team has made the entire soccer season. Ryan called me last night and sounded sad and said he was sorry for not calling the day before. I wonder if the hospital staff may have said something to him about not calling me. I'm not sure he would apologize on his own. Michael and I rented three movies last night and made chili fries for dinner. I feel like I might be kind of copping out on the poor little guy. My husband's  brother and wife came up tonight bearing a pork tenderloin, fresh green beans and a sunny little girl who was all smiles and kisses, until she got sleepy. I had hope it would cheer me up. It did a little, then Michael and I vegged in front of the screen of pretty lights and colors long enough to watch "Outsourced" and then we delved into the achingly sad "Time Travelers Wife". I read the book a few years ago and was touched by it. The movie almost went along with the book wonderfully. John didn't call me tonight and I'm already somewhat weepy, so it is likely for the best. Even the cats are kind of steering clear of me. Right up till I typed that, then Shiloh meowed at me and rubbed up on the chair. What a sweetie. Michael was being really sweet today too. We took Sookie to the soccer game and she puked on Michael about two miles away from the house. Fortunately it was on the way back home. Michael was pretty grossed out. This would be the second time the poor little puppy has vomited on him. The first time was about three minutes after we bought her. She gets car sick. She is full grown but still a pup. Pretty cute little monster, she is a Yorkie and Maltese mix. I got her on Father's Day for John but she has kind of taken up with me since I'm always here.

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