Thursday, January 10, 2013

Life is one of those things you should approach one day at a time and always be on the lookout for adventure. Two of my friends drove to Indiana with me to pick up another friend this week for the beginning of classes on the 14th. We had a pretty interesting time, just the four of us, with no sleep and waaaay too much caffeine. At one point we were passing a fireworks place and decided to stop and get some. So we did. I think that sometimes we forget to do things out of the ordinary, to live life as if we only have now. Today is that day. The day to make a new friend, the day to let go of an old friend, to sing, to dance, to play the music so loud that it hurts for a moment, to love until your lungs burn. Forget the easy way and travel the road you don't know.  Dreams are truly never far from where we wake, so let them go and learn to live instead.

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