Monday, September 12, 2011

A Strained Peace...

 I'm sitting here with a cup of fresh coffee wondering what today has in store. There are things I need to do, things I have to do, and things that I want to do. Chances are pretty good that I won't get to do what I was wanting to do, and most of what I need to do will get put on the back burner till some other time. I would like to go outside and work today, but I'm flat exhausted so that probably won't happen. Mondays have always been good days for me, but today has already been tiring instead of pleasant. Ryan was not in good spirits this morning and the oppositional defiance disorder reared its ugly head first thing. I asked both boys to take a bag of garbage out for me, since the trash pick up here is Monday mornings. Ryan threw up all over the bathroom rug and that really didn't bother me so much, but he has to take this medication and now I've no idea if it remained in his system or not. Could mean a troubling day. I need to go to the grocery store, heaven help all souls if I've no coffee, but I'm afraid that if I do what I'm supposed to do today, the guidance counselor will call for me to come pick Ryan up. I talked to him this morning and let him know what had happened and that if there is even the slightest provocation, to call me and I'll come pick Ryan up. I feel like this mornings post has been mostly me complaining so I'll end it here before I actually get to feeling sorry for myself or something ridiculous.

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